Metrics Output

Metrics Output

The MetricsOutput.tsv file contains the following quality control metrics for all samples:

  • DNA library QC metrics for:

    • Small variant calling

    • TMB

    • MSI

    • CNV

    • [HRD] GIS

  • RNA library QC metrics

  • Run QC metrics, analysis status, and contamination

This TSV file also includes expanded DNA library QC metrics per sample, based on total reads, collapsed reads, chimeric reads, and on-target reads. Analysis using RNA samples also produces RNA library QC metrics and expanded RNA library QC metrics per sample based on total reads and coverage.

The MetricsOutput.tsv file is a final combined metrics report with sample status, key analysis metrics, and metadata. Sample metrics within the report include suggested lower specification limits (LSL) and upper specification limits (USL) for each sample in the run.

For troubleshooting information, refer to Troubleshooting

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